About Michelle

Michelle lives in Denver, Colorado.  She is a wife and mother.  Her daughter and two dogs take up most of her time, but when she has a spare moment she spends it writing.  Since a young age she has had an active imagination and as an adult she is finally taking her stories and putting them to paper.  Isn’t that the story of most authors?  I think I forgot to mention I work full time as an engineer by day – funny how that slips your mind. Oh blah, blah, blah.  What you really want to know is how I got published right? No? Okay then here:

Michelle is a mother to two children and two dogs.  She is a wife to a super sweet guy, and she’s a closet chocoholic. When life gets tough she breaks out the chocolate milk – yes sometimes that means she steals it from her toddler in extreme circumstances.  Okay, the toddler shares, I’d never steal.  At the moment she is an unemployed engineer, who’s dabbling at web design. Yes, if you need a web site I might be able to help.

Michelle writes witty contemporary romance, paranormal romance, and chick-lit depending on her mood.  She never writes anything too serious, since life is serious.  Her objective is to give everyone an escape from their day.  If you laughed while reading a story she wrote, then her objective has been met.

If she someday finds the right agent and can make a living writing, well heck that would be awesome. As for now she is published with a rockstar small publishing house, Roane Publishing. See My Books link for more information on what I’ve written.

I love meeting new writers and new people.  So please feel free to contact me, comment on my blog, and anything else you can think of.  I don’t mind helping promote others works.  If you have a book you would like me to mention please contact me at michelleziegler_co <at> hotmail <dot> com.

I post the first Monday of the month on writing, one day a week on something random, and one day on authors giving you a glimpse into their life – sometimes volunteers are hard to find and I will post on another Fun Fact.  If I post any other day, than consider it a bonus since my toddler never stops long enough for me to breath normally.  let’s amend this-I’m now fighting a high maintenance toddler (terrible twos) and a almost one year old.

When life is serious, I grab some chocolate and write something that isn’t.


Professional Bio and press-kit info:

Michelle’s imagination started spilling out onto paper the second she could scribble.  Her drawing never improved, but her love affair with words continued and evolved as she became infatuated with one story after another.  If life could be written, Michelle would write everyone’s ending as a happily ever after.

Michelle grew up in Chicago and later moved to Colorado. Her husband still makes fun of her Midwest accent. By day, she is an engineer, wife, and mother to two kids and two dogs. Her sanity survives on the pages she writes, even if her toddler is trying to drive her to the edge one temper tantrum at a time.

Website Facebook | Twitter |Amazon

Website: http://www.michellezieglerauthor.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MichelleZieglerAuthor

Twitter: http://twitter.com/MZiegler_Writer



4 thoughts on “About Michelle

    • M. Ziegler says:

      Reply. Thanks for the information. I am not super familiar with google + yet, although I do have an account. There are so many ways to connect these days. Tanks for commenting. I hope you find some information that I have to be useful.

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